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Quite a few ppl from this list including me, showed interest in writing the
ILUG-HOWTO....Atul has asked the rest of the ppl interested to co-ordinate
with me.....I'm have written a draft version of it (almost semi-finished),
but I need some feedback, this being the first time I'm trying to write
something like this. A single feedback from Vishal Khanna of ILUG-Delhi,
nothing heard yet from Atul or the others I sent the draft for review.

[ I have been meaning to complete the draft, but I am rather taken up with
the arrangements for our upcoming Linux seminar in Calcutta (Linux-Interact
'99) to be held on 3rd September, '99 ] 

Syed Khader Vali of ILUG-Hyderabad too has made a draft....apart from him I
have not recieved anything further inputs from the ppl who said were
interested....everyone's busy I guess.....

- --Indra

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From: Soumyanath Chatterjee <soumya_chatt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: linux-india@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [LI] Req: ILUG-HOWTO
Date: Monday, August 21, 2000 8:03 PM

I found this ripples from cyberspace

Atul> So where's version 0.1 ? ;-)
I always thought that HOWTOs are written by Atul ;-)

I want to start a LUG in Jamshedpur. Even created a web space in advance
so far I have only one member,    me :-(

I promise to be the first user of the ILUG-HOWTO

- - Soumya

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