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[LI] Telnet prb

Probably a problem with tcpd.  Make sure you have the correct entries
in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.


- -- Raju

>>>>> "Jeffrey" == Jeffrey Yep <jyep@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Jeffrey> Hi, Before my Win m/c could telnet to my linux m/c and
    Jeffrey> get connected but now it gives the msg "connection to
    Jeffrey> host lost". Also if I try to telnet internally within my
    Jeffrey> linux m/c i.e. at the bash prompt "telnet" it
    Jeffrey> says

    Jeffrey> Trying to connect  Connected
    Jeffrey> escape character .....  Connection to foreign host lost

    Jeffrey> I don't know why I can't telnet? Can anybody help?

    Jeffrey> Jeff
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