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Re: [LI] Password ...

>>>>> "Sumit" == Sumit Rangwala <sumitr@xxxxxxxx> writes:

    >> Raj Mathur wrote: >
    >> > boot: linux init=/bin/sh (put name of your kernel instead of
    >> ``linux'')

    Sumit> I tried this out on Redhat 5.2 giving vmlinuz-2.0.36-0.7
    Sumit> init=/bin/sh at the boot prompt but it gave error as
    Sumit> something like no such image [use tab for lis of label]

Use <TAB> to find out the named of your kernel images and use one of
those instead of vmlinuz-2.0.36-0.7.

    Sumit> what could this be?

- -- Raju
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