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Nitin Srivastava proclaimed:
> sorry for that e-mail, but can't see that people simply mail to the list for
> the sake of unsubscribing from it, and it goes to all the subscriber. Isn't
> it  increases the load on the subscribers disk space at the ISP side which
> gets overflowed now and then (not for all of them ).

(1) There is a filter in place to check all posts to the mailing list for
"administrative request" keywords like (un)subscribe requests.  Any post
containing these words does not make it to the list without the list
admin's approval.  This cuts down dramatically the kind of emails that you
talk about.

(2) When someone subscribers they get an email that clearly details the
unsubscribe process (along with instructions to save that email for future
reference) should the subscriber ever need it.

- -- 
"Lisa, vampires are make-belive. Just like elves, gremlins and eskimos."
                     -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave
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