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Re: This page best viewed with Lynx

>>>>> "Raj" == Raj Mathur <raju@xxxxxxx> writes:
    Raj> I don't know how many of you people out there use Lynx for
    Raj> browsing the web, but I use it a lot, for many reasons:

hi, i had been wondering how to configure my lynx to use a proxy.

    Raj> If anyone's interested I can post (or put up on a web page)
    Raj> the required commands and configurations to help make Lynx
    Raj> your default browser with no loss of information.

sure post it ( if not on the list then personally ), i would be thankful... 

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*** The above opinions are not necessarily my employers', not necessarily 
    mine and not always necessary ***                                   

Prateek Sadhukhan, [Software Engineer],                                   
Hughes Software Systems Ltd.,INDIA.[Off.Tel.:+91-124-346666(Ext:2924)].   
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