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Re: telnet slow on network

It is a DNS config problem...whenever you telnet or connect to any remote
host it tries to to a reverse DNS based on the IP number of your host. It
wont give you the login prompt until the reverse lookup is over. I guess in
your case it is not able to perform the reverse lookup , thus it is showing
the login prompt only after a time-out . If the m/c from where you are
telneting does not have a domain name or your DNS configuration is faulty ,
this is bound to happen.

- ----- Original Message -----
From: polasani amar <amar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <linux-india@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 12:13 AM
Subject: telnet slow on network

> hello everybody,
> I'm amar i look after the administration in IIIT.
> Could anybody help me with a problem i'm facing.
> In our LAN whenever somebody tries to ftp or telnet it gives a
> message that it is connected to that server but it is taking a hell of a
> lot of time to give the login prompt. Since the "connected to" is coming
> and the file downloads after that is fast i don't think it is a network
> problem what can be the problem ?  This problem occured very recently it
> wasn't there before.
> extra info:
> just to check if there is a network problem i've written tcp/ip
> routines and they are working fine.
> (I dunno if this is just a coincedence) but this thing started
> when we installed linux on all our machines.
> somebody outthere please help,
> thanking you in anticipation,
> amar.
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