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Re:[AND} Vmware

- ----- Original Message -----
From: Karan Girotra <karan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <linux-india@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <linux-delhi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 1999 12:48 AM
Subject: Vmware

>hye ,
> I downloaded a beta version of vmware
>However i am unable to compile it with my current kernel 2.2.9 . The
>installation script aborts by saying that some  modules (distributed
>the source) are available only for kernel 2.2.5 and less .  now the vmware
>website talks of providing the source of the modules to be compiled with
>system  but the installation script always tries to install the precompiled
>modules . any ideas on how to make the installation script recompile the
>modules ??? anybody has vmaware on kernel > 2.2.5
Same with me I too downloaded the beta version, but it asks for the license
for the same. Any pointers - Anybody?

Sunit Mathur

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