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Re: Is Linux C2 Compliant ?

AFAIK Linux is not C2 compliant.  However, beware that WinNT is not C2
either, except for 3.5 (which has been certified without a floppy
drive or network interface).  So if the choice is between Linux and
NT, Linux is probably more secure.

BTW, it's never OS's which are certified, only specific hardware and
software configurations.


- -- Raju

>>>>> "Rahul" == Rahul Kumar <Rahul.Kumar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Rahul> linux.org was not helpful. I did a search in linux.com and
    Rahul> found an article in
    Rahul> http://linux.com/linux@work/fudfaq.phtml#14 that says that
    Rahul> Linux is *not* C2 compliant.

    Rahul> Anyone with better information, pls let me know asap as I
    Rahul> need to suggest this to a very large customer who needs C2
    Rahul> security levels on his internet application.

    Rahul> Thanks, RK.

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