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Re: Tell me some thing about Wine...


>     I wanna use Wine on my RD Linux 5.2 system.How do i invoke and
> configure wine in order to make my linux machine run Windows
> applications.
You first need to install Wine because its not part of the RH Linux- 5.2
official package. If you are using PCQ installations you probably will face
error messages about a library missing. PCQ has made them available in their
May or june-99 issues.Assuming that you have been successfully  able to
install wine , you will have to edit your /etc/wine.conf for your particular
setup.The file is pretty self explanatory , and editing it should be no
problem at all) When this has been done , just fire X , open an Xterm and
give the command $wine /path/of/windows/executable.exe
Now a word of caution , wine is an excellent concept but its very buggy yet.
I've had my system crash a number of times while using wine. I've also lost
important data registered with a windows executable when I attempted running
it through wine in Linux (I'm talking about OE-5 and the mail-mass saved in
it). Moreover you will not be able to run any significantly complex program
yet. You have been warned .

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