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Help in Redhat Linux 6.0

Hi all
I've installed Redhat Linux 6.0 from the chip special cd.
It is working fine..but in X windows.. I've managed to install and switch to 
But now How do I switch back to Gnome  or enlightment.

Also I need help in intsalling the stuff from the second cd.
I don't know how to install files with extension .tar , .z , .zip ,

I've installed doom which was a .rpm , but when I installed Free 
Civilization. It told me to re login .. After that every time I log in it 
says "bash FREE_CIV command not found"

I don't know where to find this command.

Also I configured a PPP account , but now my modem isn't dialing.. It just 
initializes and then does not continue dialing.



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