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Well first from where do u want to set up the apache web server .
1.    If it is a rpm file u know what to do
2.    If it is a apache tar ball untar it and read the INSTALL file. It is
fairly simple . Even i am a new bee and could get my apache running
following the instructions in the mentioned file
       1.        cd into the untarred directory
        2.        decide ur apache directory
        3.        configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache
        4.            make
        5.        make install
                    U got it buddy . Ur apache is ready
Now how to start it .. Simple  $    /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
All ur web pages need to be under the htdocs dorectory . If u have used the
mentioned prefix then it is most probably at  /usr/local/apache/htdocs


linux reddy wrote:

> can anybody help me in setting up a APACHE WEB SERVER ON LINUX Red hat
> 5.2
> please send step by step procedure.
> thanks
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