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Re: backup/ftp

On Mon, 31 May 1999, netbeats wrote:

> Hi!!
> I have two Linux m/c and one is running short of disk space. I want to ftp
> all files from a user account in m/c 1 to user account in m/c 2. 
> I want to maintain all the permission, directory structure ... etc
> I dont even have enough space to tar/gzip and then ftp to second
> m/c and then extract the directories/files.
> Some ftp sites allow gzip on the fly how do i do that? Can i do tar and
> gzip on the fly when I use ftp and then extract the directory and files on
> m/c 2?

You're right, wu-ftpd supports tar/gzip on the fly.
Say you want to get a directory X from machine A to machine B.
. ftp to machine A
. to get a subdirectory say X,
  give the command :

	"get X.tar.gz"			without the quotes!!

(don't forget to be in binary mode first, however it is default for linux
ftp clients).

The resulting file will be the directory X, tarred and gzipped.
you can also use any one of tar, or gz on files. You don't necassarily
have to use them together. For directories however, only gzip doesn't
make sense.


> - Maneesh
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