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Re: driver needed

> Kunal Shah wrote:
> is redhat 6.0 will autodetect this card (sis6215c)?
> or we should try the drivers those came with old pcquest issues?

It does not detect. I have installed. You should use the files(drivers)
from old PCQ preferably from Feb99 CD. My Dec 98 CD file xs* and xus*
were not gettiong decompressed. You can also not use RH5.2 XF86Config
file. Many configuaratiuon changes like font locations etc. are there.
Try as unlisted svga card and for your monitor. If it shows error, then
try generic vga16 mode. Now got /etc/X11 and change the link for X as
/usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA. Goto /usr/X11R6/bin and link as told in pcq
Dec98 and edit XF86Config in /etc for chip set. If video mem is
commented, uncomment. Set virtual to the size you like. This should
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