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Re: LILO.. Where ???

>     Where actually should the LILO be written & would it conflict with
> the WINNT OS Loader ?? ( though I feel there should not be a conflict
> technically )
	Win NT does not allow any modifications to the MBR. So a conflict.

>     By the way , some people really reacted a bit too much to my
> earlier mail , taking me for a guy from the WINTEL world. Well , I
> only point was that the installation of Linux must be more automated
> rather than it expecting users to specify disk partitions sizes , Horz
> & Vert frequencies ( For any CARD, not just SiS 6326 ).
	Your arguments are accepted. But your mail sounded as passionate.
So all the flames! Your card is 6326? I wonder why you got into trouble
with X. BTW. the Horiz and vert. sync frequencies are for the monitor. I
also don't know why Linux is fussy about it and not Win, but it is. Most
of the regular monitors lie around a same set of frequencies, I don't
remember the exact no. Linuxers think that the present setup is more
flexibility while automatic detection reduces your choices. (look at the
love for distros like Debian which are not as easy as RH unless you know
your way in the jungle. People swear by it since it gives them much more
options than what RH or any other distros give!). But I guess there can be
some mean path where we can choose from a custom installation and
standard. (at least the installation prog. can give some suggestions and
tell me something like `this setup is recommended but you can change if
you want to.' ) Hope our ideas are passed on to RH and Debian and SuSe and
they will soon give us what we want! (pardon my `selfish' attitude where I
am not contributing anything except `demands' but then, I am an end user
with very little knowledge of what goes on!)

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