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Linux Sysetm Hangup

Hi all,
  I have an AMD K6-2 350MHz system with VIA Apollo motherboard. The VGA card is Matrox Millenium G200 AGP. I also have a Creative Soundblaster kit. I have installed Redhat 5.2 (kernel 2.0.36) from the PCQ CDROM. I am using the XFree86 that was with Redhat 5.2. But I have updated the XF86_SVGA server to the latest one that I downloaded from xfree86.org to get support for my VGA card. 
  Of late, I have been facing problems with the system. Well the system just hangs up suddenly. Nothing seems to work. Not Cntl-C, Cnlt-Alt-Del, nothing.
  Can anyone suggest some reasons.

Thanks in advance.


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