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RE: what is new in red hat 6.0

yeah getting star office is good news. I wonder how they will explain star division about the distribution of a strictly personal copy. nevermind we benefit. i only wish they were shipping the latest version 5.1 and not 5.0. boy am i being greedy!! :P
- --

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:34:11   Shashank Banerjee wrote:
>STAR OFFICE 5.0 for LINUX finally up for grabs.... without the long
>download... :)) After hearing so much about it...
>That's great to hear....
>Thank you CHIP and of course... (Team at PCQ...for ushering in the
>competition... I don't know about welcoming.. hee hee!!!)
>Shashank Banerjee
>Software Consultant, Communications Division
>DCM Data Systems
>Vikrant Towers, 4, Rajendra Place, NEW DELHI - 110 008, INDIA
>Ph: +91-11-5719967-76/E-mail: shashankb@xxxxxxxxxxx
>Web Site: http://www.dcmds.com
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Prakash Advani [SMTP:prakash@xxxxxxxxxx]
>>Sent: Monday, June 14, 1999 8:28 PM
>>To:   linux-india@xxxxxxxxx
>>Subject:      Re: what is new in red hat 6.0
>>I'm from CRN, a sister publication of Chip. Here are some facts about
>>the Redhat 6.0
>>1. The Redhat 6.0 will ship with the Chip Special on Linux.
>>2. Chip Special are seperate from the regular Chip magazine and the
>>regular Chip magazine will not have Red Hat 6.0.
>>3. The chip special has 2 CD's including RH 6.0 and Star Office 5.0
>>a lot of Linux goodies. The whole issue is dedicated to Linux.
>>4. The issue costs 200 Rs. and is expected to hit the stands within
>>Any more questions that I can answer ?? Hope you guys can wait :)
>>I'm already running Redhat 6.0 :)
>>Shashank Banerjee wrote:
>>> There is no Redhat Linux 6.0 in the June edition of CHIP... maybe
>>> July...:)
>>> Special Edition contains 2 CDs... wonder what that must pack?
>>> Lots of stuff I heard...
>>> __________________________________________________________________
>>> Shashank Banerjee
>>> Software Consultant, Communications Division
>>> DCM Data Systems
>>> Vikrant Towers, 4, Rajendra Place, NEW DELHI - 110 008, INDIA
>>> Ph: +91-11-5719967-76/E-mail: shashankb@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Web Site: http://www.dcmds.com
>>> >
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