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Re: Samba Installation


If you can write a small article with the config files, I can put it up
on http://www.freeos.com


manas garg wrote:
> Well, my experience is that configuring samba is a very painful process.
> You have to really understand it and there are so many options that it
> becomes difficult to find your way through. I have seen quite a few people
> who attempted to do it but relinquished in between. Somehow, I survived
> ;-)
> Considering this, I have written a generic smb.conf which should serve the
> purpose of a person who is just starting out on linux. And in order to
> make it work, just 2 fields need to be changed: netbios name & workgroup.
> I have put a lot of comments in this file to make the user comfortable
> with the fields that have been used in that file. I am not an expert of
> samba (or of anything for that matter), but I have given it a try and my
> effort has been focused on to writing a file that gives the services that
> a user may normaly want (for something extraordinary, he'll obviously have
> to write it himself) from samba.
> As I pointed out, I am not an expert of samba. Will somebody have a look
> at the file (shares, comments etc.) and point out the shortcomings/suggest
> the additions/deletions etc. etc..
> Is anybody interested?? Please send the mail directly to me.
> Regards
> Manas
> Ps: Yoganand, don't send HTML mails on this list, for, nobody (well
> almost) will reply to them (simply because they can't read). Many people
> (including me) on this list find Good Old Pine/elm/Mutt better than New
> Advanced System Hoggers like Outlook. As far as your samba installation is
> concerned, I'll send you the smb.conf today, as I am writing the final
> bits of it.
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