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Re: Real Audio plug-in for Mozilla !!!

Shanu proclaimed:
>   1. Is the Real Audio Plug-in Libc6 based ?

AFAIK, it is glibc 2.0 based.

>   2. Is there a debianized (Libc6 based) version available at
> ftp.debian.org in the contrib/non-free section or anywhere else?

The license of Real Player prohibits a volunteer organization like Debian
from redistributing the bits directly.  That is why Debian has a wrapper
and not a .deb for the software itself.

>   3. If no, then i need to use the wrapper installer 'rvplayer' in
> contrib/net to install the tarball,right ?

That is correct.  Different versions of the rvplayer .deb required that you
download either the .tgz or the .rpm  If you pay lots for internet access,
be sure to read the rvplayer description before downloading the .rpm or the
.tgz from the Real Networks site.

>   4. Why is it not bundled along with Mozilla (.deb) like the win32x
> version (i haven't verified this) ?

I am not sure if the Mozilla (ie. 5.0) Win32 bits have Real Player built
in.  Netscape Communicator 4.6 Win32 does have it built in.  AFAIK, the
unix versions of the same do not come with Real Player.  This is most
probably because the business deal between Netscape and Real Networks is
only for the Win32 versions.

- -- 
"Marge, this ticket doesn't just give me a seat.  It also give me the
    right -- no, the duty -- to make a complete ass of myself."
                     -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave

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