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RE: chn.vsnl.net.in
> I'm sorry about that but i have been trying to find where the vsnl.com
> entry is in my sendmail.cf - only entry i have is my internet e-mail
> adderss is smonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> I'm the only user of this m/c so the root login.
Being the only user on a machine is no excuse for logging in as root for
normal operations on a machine.
Just create yourself an user account on the machine and use that.For
example, if your email address is smonk@xxxxxxxx (you *have* registered
yourself a short email ID at mail.vsnl.com, right?), create a user account
called smonk and use that. Everything will work as advertised.
There is no greater heartache than being logged in as root all the time, and
making *one* stupid move and destroying your system.
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