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Re: sendmail,pop3,imap

> 	When i telnet this machine from any other machine it takes
> around 2-3 mins to show login prompt and immediately after showing
> login screen before i could type user name and passward it says
> connection to host lost.

Add all your other nodes to /etc/hosts - the Linux machine is trying to
resolve your host names, but since you don't have a DNS, it can't.

> 	I want to start Sendmail (SMTP) and recieve mails using POP3 and
> IMAP4. how can i start these services?(i dont want to send mails to
> external world. only on lan)

Just point your SMTP/POP3 settings in your mail program on the nodes to
the Linux box. 

It would also help you would create user accounts on the box. ;-)


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