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Re: samba from windows -Reply

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, UDAY DESHPANDE wrote:

> >>> Sunil Sarat <sunil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 05/31/99 01:57pm >>>
> Hi,
> I've configured samba for a specific workgroup. Using smbclient, I am able

> Yes Sunil I am also facing same problem but with one try I could able to
> access Linux m/c from 95. Login to your 95 machine as root
> (username:root) & password  same as your linux root password. Now find

AAMOF(as a matter of fact) you can login to Windos as any valid user on
Linux host, to be able to see certain share that are acceccable to user
like /home/$USER. And there is no need to have same passwd as that on the
linux host, and it can be dangerous, especially with the root account.
(Remember Windows store passwd with simple hashing, which is very easy to
decript). When you access any share, the a passwd is asked that you have
to give ur passwd, again do not store this on windows for root account.

> the PC from 95 m/c. & you can able to see linux shares. But further to this I
> want to know how to establish similar connection betn. NT & Linux.

It depends what type of access you want have. Linux can act as PDC for NT
domain, so you an NT client can log on to Linux. From linux you can use

- -Chetan S

> Bye.
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