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Re: Linux compatibility ...

Karan Girotra proclaimed:
> How can one determine if the unix version of any software will run on
> a linux machine??
> Doesn't linux support  older unix type of binaries ???
> so shouldn't all unix software run easily on linux ???

Binaries will not run across various unices.  If you have the source of the
software that was compiled for some flavour of unix, there is a higher
chance that it could be ported / compiled on a Linux machine with little /
no modification.

- -- 
"It all happened at the beginning of that turbulent decade known as the
Eighties.  Those were idealistic days: the candidacy of John Anderson,
    the rise of Supertramp.  It was an exciting time to be young."
                     -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave

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