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RE: Linux India Digest V1 #16

At 10:23 AM 6/1/99 +0530, you wrote:
>From: RADHAKRISHNAN C V <cvr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: Linux not recog. svga card
>>>    The card is s3 trio3d agp
>>>    2)Netscape loads with many errors, and doesnt show jpegs. 
>>you do not have any other option than to purchase a commercial X server
>>from Xi Graphics at http://www.xig.com.
>>it costs around US$ 125.00, but worth investing the money. 
>Is this what a free OS means ?

God, please lets not start with the free vs. paid thing again; if you don't
want to pay for the server, you can change your card (which, I presume, is
not going to be free) or you can make do with a vga16 display which is a
poor cousin of what linux can really display. And as you already know,
Netscape is going to look real anemic.

Believe me there is no such thing as a free lunch. The hardware has cost
you, the email you sent has cost you, this email you are reading is costing
you; it's just that maybe one does not pay for everything directly, so one
tends to not realise that fact.

What is so wrong about paying for something you need to use ? I truly
believe that the easier it is to attain something, the more one tends to
take it for granted and ignore it. One definitely undervalues it.


p.s.: No personal affronts intended.

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