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Re: Unable to Dial From my modem

Please try blind dailing using atx0dp or atx0dt

- -----Original Message-----
From: L.V.Gandhi <lvgandhi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: linux-india@xxxxxxxxx <linux-india@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 2:31 AM
Subject: Re: Unable to Dial From my modem

>S Chetan Kumar wrote:
>> Hi,
>>         I got a new 56kbps D-link modem. I am not able to dial out from
>> this modem. When I dial out using minicom, I neither hear a dial tone on
>> my modem speaker nor I can dial any thing. And ofcourse I was able to
>> out from windose on the same machine/line/modem. Any thoughts ??
>I have the same modem in my office. recently purchased. Iam using it in
>both linux and windows. Exactly tell the problem. Imay of help.
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