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RE: Recommend Book
+ > Official? It comes at a cost, no? Anyway, i suggest on line books ( at
+ > places like http://www.mcp.com -- there must b any more free on-line
+ > book homes) like red-hat linux unleashed etc. Xcellent info - these books.
+ I am not sure how to understand this - you mean spending money on Linux is
+ bad?
Not at all! But, there are lots of books, online, free of cost and at the
same time not a penny less in value than their printed competition. If you
have resources to get on line, no point in investing in something which
you get free of cost.
+ "The quest for free is the driving force of people who can't value their
+ own time"
Pray, Torvalds did not think like that else we all would have missed this
list :) Anyway, the choice is between quality at a huge price and quality
available freely.
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