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Re: [linux-delhi] 75baud, baudot, 1.5 stop bits

Yeah, Baudot is the encoding for Telex machines, now that I remember.
5 bit characters, eh? Interesting...

You say it's easy to hack in 1.5 stop bits support... do it then :-)


- -- Raju (can't hack a kernel to save my life) Mathur

>>>>> "Suman" == ssaraf  <ssaraf@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    >> Weeeelll, I could probably get this information by going
    >> through 100's of documents, but if anyone has the answer
    >> offhand...

    >> Will Linux support a serial connection at 75bps (baud) baudot
    >> encoding
    Suman> (whatever that is) and 1.5 stop bits?  The kernel header
    Suman> files are

    Suman> Straight from a FAQ which I have :

    Suman> [snip]

    >> rather reticent on the subject of 1.5 stop bits, though 75bps
    >> is defiitely mentioned.

    Suman> It supports 1 or 2 stop bits , so you will have to hack the
    Suman> serial driver and add one more ioctl call. Its easily
    Suman> doable though.

    Suman> Suman

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