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Re: gateway

This prob needs the foll to be done.
	1. Compile the Kernel with IP Forwarding and enable it in the scripts (use
	2. Enable the forwarding rules using ipfwadm.
	3. Set the default gateway on the 192 side to the linux eth1 IP.
	4. Set the routing entries on the Router on the 202 side to use the linux
eth0 IP for the 192 network.

You can contact me for more info on this topic, as I have become more or
less an expert after breaking my head for 3 months on it!! ;)

As an interesting aside.  I had unsubscribed from the list, but it seems
that the 'great crash' has put me back in the list. ;)

- - Rajiv

At 02:06 PM 5/20/99 +0530, you wrote:
>I have a linux machine with 2 cards installed. Both are connected to two
>different networks. I've compiled my kernel so as to enable ip forwarding.  
>My 2
>networks are 192.168.x.x and 202.x.x.x
>eth0 is connected to 202.x.x.x
>eth1 is connected to 192.168.x.x
>Now in the 192.168.x.x network I've configured a win9x machine with my linux
>machine as a default gateway. But still the win9x machine is unable to contact
>the server in 202.x.x.x network.
>Thanks in advance
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