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RE: Simputer team interview

On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Arun Sharma wrote:

 |>     Arun> GPL is a discriminatory license - it discriminates against
 |>     Arun> those who write closed source software for a living.
 |> Even worse, copyright is discriminatory since it discriminates against
 |> those who pirate movies for a living! 
 |Pirates didn't pay to make the movie. In this case, the tax payer, who
 |also happens to be a closed source programmer, paid his taxes.

So can I say that pedestrians are discriminating against me.. coz I paid
Road Tax .. but they didn't and yet they get to use the roads for free!!

Are you saying that open source programmers don't pay taxes ?? and who is
being discriminated against ?? (The govt. that is losing tax revenue ??)

I don't think this discussion is going anywhere... why don't you just add
the line that "GPL is a discriminatory license - it discriminates
against those who write closed source software for a living." to your
signature and so anyone who has something to say can mail you /offlist/


	        .:: Kingsly John                ICQ 14787510 ::.
            .:: Linux 2.4.3 #10 Mon Apr 23 22:43:11 IST 2001 i686 ::.
           `:. Posted to the list on Thu Apr 26 11:10:18 IST 2001 .:'