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Re: [isp-linux] Re: Blocking all APNIC IP Addresses

Raju Mathur rearranged electrons thusly:

> /me quickly updates /etc/mail/access on all systems he administers:
> wppi.com    550 We do not accept mail from Nazis.  Please see April 2001
> archives at http://ISP-Lists.ISP-Planet.com/isp-linux/archives/ for more
> information.
I've seen several such cases - where people want to block all Asia (or the
whole of APNIC).  [dig through news.admin.net-abuse.email ...]

If the guy runs a server for himself and his family, and doesnt want any mail
/ traffic from Asia, it is his right to block / allow whatever he wants.

However, if he's an ISP, blocking several /8s is not going to make him all
that popular with his customers (especially given the huge number of Asians).

> >>>>> "Steve" == Steve West <wppiphoto@xxxxxxxx> writes:
>     Steve> I understand that we should not generalize an entire
>     Steve> region, but in our case we have had more trouble
>     Steve> originating/using servers from Asia than any other region!
>     Steve> I'm very aware that many of these attacks are being done by
>     Steve> users in the US using vulnerable systems in Asia. But
>     Steve> without any real security measures in Asia, they will
>     Steve> forever be the perfect target by hackers.
He does have a point - but if it's just spam and not portscans, h4x0ring and
such, then using RBL + RSS + inputs.orbs.org will solve a lot of your
problem.   That, plus not accepting mail from unresolvable domains, plus not
accepting mail from IPs with no rDNS ... <= this last is a major problem for
me - as for several people in India and the rest of Asia.  Sadly, several
ISPs in India dont know / care about rDNS, even though they have become quite
clueful re not running open relays.

>     Steve> This is very alarming because it speaks of the LACK of any
>     Steve> laws. Basically, we came to the conclusion that at this

s/laws/"provider AUPs + enforcement + clue level"/

>     Steve> point, we do not do business with anyone in the Asia region
>     Steve> and could afford to ignore this entire region.  Maybe our
>     Steve> policy will change when it requires but I think their laws
>     Steve> must change first.
Your machine, your choice ....

>     Steve> Going back to my question, what IP addresses are assigned
>     Steve> to Asia? So, far I have
>     Steve> 202.0.  203.0.  210.0.  211.0.
That's Australia and New Zealand as well.

>     Steve> Thanks!
>     Steve> SW

Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin