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Re: A All Linux Devices story has been mailed to you!

On Apr 05, 07:05:46 PM (Thursday), or Thereabouts, Nobody wrote:
>> Wipro has developed a large number of IP (intellectual property) for various embedded products. These ready-made IPs benefit customers as they save time and cost. 

I'm a trifle confused on this issue...

If a company is using Linux as it's embedded platform, won't
any and all improvements/modifications they make to the source
become GPLed?

There was a writeup somewhere about how Windriver Systems decided on
BSD Unix due to this concern.

Ravi Ananth Giri K.       r a v i g i r i @ i s h o n i . c o m
h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / r a v i a g k
f  i n g e r   -   r a v i g i r i @ c y b e r s p a c e . o r g