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Re: how to find which ISP holds a given IP addr.block ?

M K Saravanan rearranged electrons thusly:

> My /var/log/secure shows:
> Apr  4 14:48:08 aukbc3 in.ftpd[17528]: refused connect from
> Mar 31 17:16:30 aukbc3 in.ftpd[2808]: refused connect from
> Mar 24 02:02:00 aukbc3 in.ftpd[11448]: refused connect from
> How to find out to which ISP these IP addr. belong?
 whois -h whois.geektools.com ip.add.re.ss (it's a whois proxy, which queries
 all the whois servers - netsol, bulkregister etc, plus RIPE, ARIN, APNIC
> Note: host/dig doesnot report any domain name for these addr.
 then the IP is likely to be a dhcp assigned / non permanent one - a dialup, say.

> nameserver. using nslookup changed the default server to that and did a lookup
> which shows:
> Name:    usr8379-kno.cableinet.co.uk
> Address:
> Now to whom I should report about this unauthorised access?
 for one of the ips?  looks like a cablemodem.  try abuse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
 include system logs (and the fact that you are at +0530 IST ...)

 For the others, just query geektools.


Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin