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Re: Is Linux.org.in Hacked ??

>>>>> Prakash Shetty [Mon, 26 Mar 2001]:

PS> Somebody just posted on www.freebsd.org.in that
PS> www.linux.org.in has been hacked and i personally
PS> visited the site and saw this is true

Dont know who they are ... some outfit in Bombay (I think the guy is an
ilug-bom member)

Whatever, guys - please take back ownership of the box from whichever
31337 d00d broke in, and then _reformat_ the disk, install a good distro
(debian / slackware) from scratch and secure it before you try hosting
stuff on it (+especially+ high profile stuff like linux.org.in)

PS> can somebody do something about this

I've cc'd the whois contacts for that domain.  There are lots of good
folks in ILUG Bombay who know how to secure a server ... that means "know
better than to leave what looks like a standard redhat 6.x server up on
the 'net"
