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Re: Experience the New Windows

archan spewed into the ether:
>The Typical Linux installer also needs to be at per in user friendly 
>ness. WinMe/2k installer is quite intuitive and easy even for the 
It is? Then why do I have to do custom installs everytime to get stuff to work? Easy to use would be something that does what I tell it to do
without my having to bother about selecting the location of (almost)
every file.
rpm is easy enpugh for me.
./configure;make depend;make;make install is also just as intutive.
(I guess that depends on your perspective of intutive)

>the proper integration of the Apps (whether M$ build or not). As for 
>eaxmple -- for devel env ... integration bet IIS and Visual InterDev
Errrr? The crux of this statement seems to be that the integration is
good because of a consistent visual graphical interface .
But if I don't want to use that interface because I don't like it?
Or maybe because I find something else intutive?
What is being implied is here is that the variety of desktop
interfaces is bad for the developer?

>for power user env ... winzip+windowsDesktop+OutlookExpress. Linux 
>desktop env are still very bad in this kind of integration...
KDE is good enough. And I use Litestep on Windows (when I use it at home), thank you..

You see, the problem is that what I find intutive and need and like is not what you need and/or like.
So a common installer just doesn't help.

>So in Linux, we need that kinda integration and customisation at this 
>junxture... But again, the problem is that we the developers are very 
So stick to one toolkit and you will get that integration
As for me, I like applications which use different toolkits, and different APIs.

>loosely coupled... (as for example, me & Saugata have started a easy 
>Linux installation project to clone w2k/winMe ... but we are not 
>progrssing enough for the time constraint and funding...  But we are 
>progrssing and also planning to extend it to desktop integration 
Good work. Keep it up.

Devdas Bhagat
What was your username again?

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