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Re: Experience the New Windows

The Typical Linux installer also needs to be at per in user friendly ness. WinMe/2k installer is quite intuitive and easy even for the novice as well exp person. We can't ignore the fact that in W2k/Me, user gets productive env more quickly than Linux (it is a fact). Another issue is the proper integration of the Apps (whether M$ build or not). As for eaxmple -- for devel env ... integration bet IIS and Visual InterDev -- for power user env ... winzip+windowsDesktop+OutlookExpress. Linux desktop env are still very bad in this kind of integration...

So in Linux, we need that kinda integration and customisation at this junxture... But again, the problem is that we the developers are very loosely coupled... (as for example, me & Saugata have started a easy Linux installation project to clone w2k/winMe ... but we are not progrssing enough for the time constraint and funding... But we are progrssing and also planning to extend it to desktop integration ....)


In general, Linux installs perfectly fine on most machines. I was actually
trying to focvus the discussion on the post-install experience that gets
users productive quickly, and familiarising them with what's available.

Downplay the tech (assume pre-installed!) and focus on productivity and
