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Re: QT causes server crash

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Rahul Jindal wrote:

> when i rebooted the machine, and tried to starts X, the X server crashed
> giving error of some missing fone and something like Unix:/1. what is this
> happening, any clues.

	Try this on command line as root in any of the VT. (use linux 3 on
lilo: )

xfs -daemon -port -1

then type X to check if X starts.
If it does, vi /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs and put the line instead of 
xfs -droppriv...

	I have seen this manytimes, that xfs which used to work with
-droppriv or --user xfs, refuses to do so without any apparent reason.


#!!!	If anything can go wrong, _FIX_ it. (To hell with MURPHY)
						Ajay kumar Dwivedi