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Re: Re: Bang!Linux 2001 March 05-07 a rip off ?
Hi all,
I do agree with diwakar, the fees are shocking..I was
pretty interested to to go but after seeing the
fees its clearly no no..i can't afford it..and i think
there will me many more like me.
They are going in the M$ way.....seminars and
conferences are not the way to earn money..it is the
medium to share knowledge...but here its seems...they are
trying fill their pockets....so its better to boycott
such events..which talk more about money rather then
I am new to linux and i do like to attend such
conference, i will appreatiate if BLUG arrange some kind of
seminars or conference during that time as archan
stated..so that i can happily boycott Bang!inux
Is there any plan to boycott it? Frederik has said that
goa LUG may
arrange some nice event at that time. I feel, Bangalore
LUG can arrange
some (fine free) techy event during that time (bangLinux
time). If it is
there, we can skip the main banglinux (money spinning)
main event and
join LUG event
Diwakar Ranganathan wrote:
> i got the invitation from Wrox for the BangLinux
> conference "because i'm a true open source
> evangelist". then i visited the site and was shocked
> at the fees. do the organisers think that all linux
> developers and users are rich? or only those who can
> afford it should attend? i wanted to attend the
> conference though i'm just an enthusiast and
> absolutely unfamiliar with linux. because people like
> Archan encouraged me to attend it. but it's too
> expensive and therefore discouraging.
> they just drive people away from the event.
> - Diwakar
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