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Re: How do i us a Floppy Disk in Linux

Rohit Srivastava proclaimed:
> Hi aditya
> If U're using gnome with KDE then U can use kfloppy to
> format and make file system. In order to use it U can
> right click the floppy icon on the desktop and select
> mount device and there it goes! the directory
> /mnt/floppy is your floppy disk....
> alternatively U can mount the device by
> mount /dev/fd0 or
> mount /dev/fd0 -t <filesystem> /mnt/floppy if
> automatically doesnt recognises your file system on
> the disk. Archan has already described how to format
> and make a filesystem on a new disk....
> Rohit
> --- Aditya R Rao <bluemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Can you please tell me how to format and use a
> > floppy disk under linux

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