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Re: Who is the father of Internet?

Not Me.

I want to clarify right now that my relationship with DARPA is completely platonic. Those pictures that appeared in various tabloids were completely misinterpreted -- it was a yoga lesson. We're just good friends.

It was a virgin birth, I tell you!



At 02:23 PM 26/12/00 +0530, M K Saravanan wrote:
In one of my Internet lectures, one student asked "who is the father of
Internet".  I said "Vint. Cerf".   But he said that he was told that
Dr.Leonard Kleinrock is the father of Internet.  When i did a google search,
some site says "Vint Cerf" as father of Internet and some says "Leonard
Kleinrock".  which is true?

Biju "Botsie" Chacko            b i j u _ c h a c k o @ y a h o o . c o m