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LINKS OF INTEREST: African team with communitarian NTIC experiences

Thanks  to Theo Bondolfi for this information. Permit me to circulate
it through the India Linux network, for those who might be interested
in the same. Nice to be in touch with friends working in Africa!

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Subject: African team with communitarian NTIC experiences
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 03:21:14 +0100
From: "Theo Bondolfi" <move@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

To Fred Noronha


it is now 4 month that our www.afrilinux.org team and www.ynternet.org team,
is following with attention your regular "bytesforall.org " newsletters.

we wish to congratulate you again for the job you are doing.

we have now 2 simple "communitarian" free-software Solution:

1. The dynamit solution, for 5-25 PC connected with a server in a community
this solution is still in developement, and we intend to work with some big
distribution such as SUse or Redhat or Madrake for it's packaging and
It's interres is mostly in the connectity elements : such centers only
requires a simple dial-up connexion 3x a day for 15 minutes for transferring
all emails (smtp/pop) and so users can check mail offline :-)

moreover, it uses recycled PC, with diskless x-windows protocol
Dynamit is now available for Internet community Centers that would need a
software solution : we can try to satisfy their needs, and also planify some
travel to their place by some Dynamit experts if they can assume the travel

2. the "webmail dynamiC solution for communities".
It consist in the assembling of about 13 modules of freesoftware for
providing the appropriate tools needed into any "development community"for :
sharing of knowledge
interaction for causes
targetted communication

all these with user-frinedly interface

For these web/mail tools, we use Freesoftwares such as "mailman" for mailing
lists, "IMP" for webcourrier, www.dacode.org for freshnews, php-HOO for URL
directory. You can see the result in the new beta version of our web-portail
www.cooperation.ch, temproarily available at
http://rio.cooperation.ch/dacode .
We are searching for developpers in order to take part in intergation of
these modules in English Language (we only have web/mail tools in French),
for example for the CFF network. We have a team of participants in Europe
wishing to work in it's technological develpmenet with English spokers.Do
you have addresses where we could have contacts ?

do you understand French ?

thanks in advance for your kind attention.

Our contacts in India are Archana Dwivedi and Paromita Goswani, both members
of http://cff.ynternet.org (a young social entrepreneur's Network supported
by www.ynternet.org ).

Théo Bondolfi - Directeur www.ynternet.org
Internet pour les jeunes- Formation - Information - cyberkiosk
Portail/annuaire pour la coopération et le développement des jeunes sur
email move@xxxxxxxxxxxx - place du Tunnel 18 - 1005 Lausanne CH
phone + 41 21 311 30 47 - portable + 41 76 3769776 - Fax + 41 21 311 33 09