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RE: HEADS UP: John Perry Barlow speaks in Bangalore and Bom bay

hey thanks !
	could you give the list some more details on :
	o whether there is some admission criteria (fcfs,tickets ?)
	o time

Thanks a ton in advance !

#-----Original Message-----
#From: Udhay Shankar N [mailto:udhay@xxxxxxxxx]
#Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 10:14 PM
#To: linux-india-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
#Cc: ilug-bangalore@xxxxxxxxxxx; sagar@xxxxxxxxxx
#Subject: [LIG] HEADS UP: John Perry Barlow speaks in Bangalore and
#Hiya All:
#An announcement certain to be of interest to many here: EFF
#co-founder, Grateful Dead lyricist, White House advisor and all-round
#cool dude John Perry Barlow <www.eff.org/~barlow for more info) is
#giving a couple of speeches in India, as part of a series of talks
#sponsored by BPL.
#John Perry has been a correspondent of mine since late 1994, and I
#convinced the good folks at BPL that he would be the ideal person to
#give a talk in their "achievers of the world" series.
#This is not the official announcement - that, I presume, is to
#follow: but more in the nature of a heads up. He is talking in
#Bangalore on the 23rd October, and Bombay the next day. the schedule
#as I currently have it is as follows:
#Bangalore: 23rd October 2000, Ambedkar Bhavan, Millers Road.
#Bombay : 24th October 2000, Nehru Center.
#Please land up - this guy is a *great* speaker, and an important
#thinker who has had a profound influence on the evolution of the net
#as we know it.
#PS : Official announcement to follow from Ram/Bharath - are you
#listening ?
#P2S: Sagar, please repost this to the ILUG-Bombay list too.
#Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <http://www.pgp.com>
#LIG is all for free speech.  But it was created
#for a purpose.  Violations of the rules of
#this list will result in stern action.