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Hi guys... I hope u remember a tiny announcement i made on this list a while ago, talking about my pet project
GnomeMsg. There was only a CVS version available then. Now, I've made a release (0.1). Those who want to give
it a try can look into it. The URL is http://gnomemsg.sourceforge.net
Please send me any bugs u manage to find. The website is full of crappy HTML/PHP. The Screenshots section
isn't up, so please dont tell me about that. If someone has the patience to make some, please do, and send
me a copy, and i'll put it up.
The Messenger is NOT YET multi-threaded and will appear to hang when its communicating with the server or with
another client. So, dont be surprised if it freezes at startup, when it is logging on to the server. The
account creation is completely manual as of now. If you want to log on to a server, just to test the client.
You can use :
Give me a tinkle if u want to help testing, and i'll create an account for u at the server.
There is only a GNOME/GTK+ client in existance now, but a Java client will be put up soon. Watch this space.
PS: Are announcements permitted on this list? Please excuse me if they're against the regulations.