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Re: Does Windows sucks ?

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, Amarendra GODBOLE wrote:

> Does Windoze(or for a change, Windows) really sucks ? I have noticed that
> many of the die-hard Linuxers are totally against Windows.

And most have very valid reasons for doing so. I shall speak for myself
and my views may not be that of the entire linux community. I love Linux
because of what it stands for. It's the greatest success that the Free
Software movement has had. I believe that free and open source software is
good for me. And not just because I don't have to pay for it. I get high
quality, customisable and innovative software which is important
for me. Windows is the main armour of the Microsoft juggernaut. It stands
in glaring contrast to Linux. It's closed source, highly commercial and
very restrictive in nature. it is primarily due to Windows that Microsoft
is able to get away with it's under-handed deals and sneaky tactics. As a
computer user, you have to decide, you have to inform yourself, and only
you have to make a choice. I believe that Linux is good for me and Windows
is not. You may think otherwise and you have a right to do so. Linux users
recognise this right, this freedom of choice that a computer user has. And
that is precisely the reason why I and several other linux users
choose not to support Windows.  

> Windows does *NOT* suck, it is Microsoft which really sucks. Windows is
> the BEST GUI available in the market. No other GUI can claim this.

Windows does have a nice GUI. But I wouldn't go so far as to say that it
is the best one available. What exactly is your criteria for deciding
which GUI is the best? If it's looks: GNOME beats the pants off
Windows. If it's intuitiveness: Both  KDE and GNOME are just as intuitive
as Windows. If it's performance: Well, I won't even comment upon
this... Anyways, the point is that over above supporting every feature
that the Windows GUI has, GNOME and KDE offer an extremely high degree of
customisability which the Windows GUI so far lacks. And yes, I do know
about MS-Plus: GNOME and KDE 2.0's theming support is far more advanced
and just as easy to use.

> Yes, Windows does have bugs, but I am restricting my domain to its GUI
> only. Windows GUI is judged the most User Friendly GUI, and it is the
> common(non-techie) user whom we have to consider while disigning the GUI.

When you are evaluating an OS, the GUI isn't the only thing you should
take into account. Anyways, IMO, even if you do that Linux scores over

> So instead of hating Windows and trying to prove how superior Linux is,
> why not we all keep the 'ideal model' for User Friendliness, and try to
> make Linux GUI more user Friendlier than Windows.

Err.. That's why we have the KDE and GNOME projects don't we? And if
Windows GUI is supposed to be an ideal model then that has been achieved
and surpassed long back.

> _STOP_ cursing Windows, thus wasting your bandwidth and energy, and put it

Actually, I already did stop cursing Windows, ever since I switched over
completely to Linux. I used to curse Windows because I had a reason
to. Strange, inexplicable crashes, frequent reboots, sub-optimal
performance etc are not a very enjoyable computing experience. And when
your machine crashes just a second before you save the code you have been
slaving over for the past hour... well, you gotta curse... and loudly too!

> to use for the development of Linux ... so that it will be in a true sense
> "The OS Of The Future", and yes, INDIA will surely be the development hub
> of Linux with all YOU out there.

Only if Indians stop getting starry-eyed and drooling over
animated-cursors ;-)

> Hope I have not wasted your precious Development Time ;-)

Naw, I crossed the development stage long back. I'm pretty mature
now. ;-)

Yogesh Ginde

By trying, we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's, I
		-- Mark Twain