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Re: PCQ June 2000: Clarifications

Hey Suresh - how about spending a moment fixing the addresses before you
reply to a "correct" mailing list that doesn't set a reply-to because
*one* man somewhere on the web wrote an article saying it is an evil
thing to do? I am sick of these duplicate messages.

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:

> Atul Chitnis saw fit to inform LI that: 
> >The June issue of PCQ is out on the stands, and, as stated earlier, is the
> >next Linux issue. We hope you like it.
> Could PCQ update their website as well?  They are still showing the may
> issue.

Hmmm, let's understand that it is not in PCQ's (or any other
publication's) best interests to have the contents of their print issue
online before the print copy is sold. The site is for archival purposes,
not a replacement for the print issue.

> Out on the stands - except in Hyderabad.  We get our issue very late, and
> I still haven't got my May subscriber copy :(
> Every month, we have to mail rse@xxxxxxxxxxx :(

Not on the stands in Bangalore either. One of the penalties of not being
called a Metro.

> How 'bout that article on spam I sent across?  Hope its there.  I haven't
> got a chance to get the PCQ and the suspense is killing me ;)

That is in, along with another foulup -one article not written by you has
been credited to you, too.


Atul Chitnis       | achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx (PGP:6011BCB8)
Exocore Consulting | http://www.exocore.com
Bangalore, India   | +91(80)3440397 Fax +91(80)3341137