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Bigotry ?? [was --> Re: What is Linux ?]


No, that would be like taking my comment out of the context as I had
tried to put it.... what was meant was that while my personal work is
usually quite well served by Linux and associated non-GPLed s/w and
despite my belief in the valid requirement for GPL, I neither act as a
fanatic or have I become a bigot in the sense that GPL should be the
only way to go for __everyone__ concerned, as you seemed to suggest
will be the outcome of focussing too much on the "community" aspect of

In recent months you have often repeated that you felt more comfortable
with FreeBSD. IIRC, none of the people on LI who feel strongly about
GPL and the OpenSource movement have ever raised any objection/question
about the suitability of your choice as all these people are inherently
pro-choice. Our differences have been w.r.t. interpretation of GPL, its
application and effects... we have not condemned your choice (not that
you have condemned ours, there never has been any occasion), and yet
you say that by insisting on belonging to a community we -- the users,
become bigots???? 

(Had I not known better I would have definitely thought your mails to
be anti-GPL FUD ;-)


> From: Arun Sharma <adsharma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: linux-india-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: What is Linux ? (Was Re: [LIG] Formal Member
> Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 12:43 AM
> On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 12:24:43AM +0530, Indranil Das Gupta wrote:
> Indranil,
> > My personal beliefs apart, as a member of a consulting group with
> > core strength in Open Source products, my team-mates and I often
> > non-Linux/non-GPLed, even proprietory license based 
> > when they are needed to serve a particular client requirement
> > than Linux or GPLed s/w could. We don't feel that we are betraying
> > the movement,
> I hope you realize that there is a contradiction between your beliefs
> (if you understand what GPL is about) and your actions. You probably
> spend more time consulting about non-GPL'ed software (apache,
> X, perl etc) than GPL'ed software (Linux kernel, gcc, emacs, gdb).
> you somehow believe that "Linux" is all about GPL.