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Re: Formal Member Registration

>>>>> "Mukund" == Mukund Deshmukh <betacomp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Mukund> What I would suggest here is that we should have all India
    Mukund> level member registration under the banner of
    Mukund> linux-India. The fee can be Rs 100-500 , the funds should

	We've already been thro' this on the Ilug-Chennai internal
mailing list .. and unanimously (about 8 or 9 out of 30 active
members, of a total of 120 odd members) rejected "commercialisation"
and bringing in "fees" and suchlike stuff. For a guy that's stone
broke like me, (student) , I'd rather blow 500 bucks on more
cds (Linux,Movies,Music, and otherwise) ,movies, booze(!)and women(!!)
... Unless the richer part of LI decides to "sponsor" me, I don't
suppose I'd be a part of LI-* anymore.


Ravikant K.Rao : http://www.symonds.net/~ravi/
Primary Email  : <ravi@xxxxxxxxxxx> | PGP: 9544A4A1   GPG: 1024D/C2FC752D