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Re: FAQ-O-Matic


Suresh Ramasubramanian typed:
> >FAQ-O-Matic may be just what we need for a dynamic LI FAQ, which can
> >be updated by anybody. Check it out at:
> >http://www.dartmouth.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/jonh/faq.pl
> Better have an edit team to which the FAQs are submitted, rather than
> every X Y and Z being allowed to edit / update the FAQs.  Safer and better
> that way.

This same system has provisions for moderators, and things like that
(even separate moderators for each category), and every submitted
question/answer, can be sent by email to the moderator for

The intro to FAQ-O-Matic contained something to this effect - "Mailing
lists are good resources, but the same questions get asked over and
over again. Thus arose the need for list archives. But people started
getting lazier and lazier to browse through the archives. This is what
inspired me to write FAQ-O-Matic, so that all questions are neatly
categorised for easy access....."

We need some opinions here - is it better to use such a dynamic FAQ
system, or is it better to stick with SGML and DocBook, etc?

Mrinal Kalakrishnan <mrinal@xxxxxxxxx> (PGP:B1E86F5B) http://listen.to/mrinal
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