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Re: [LIH] Re :[OT] Hackers

>>"Mukund" == Mukund Deshmukh <betacomp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 Mukund> I STRONGLY CONDEMN the kind of language of the mail, If some
 Mukund> one is offered an root account on platter he can not be

        Offered the root acount on a platter? The sysadmin came in and
 said, here, that the root password, do as you wish? His UID was
 changed to zero? He loggind in, and was presented with a root prompt?

        Where my wife comes from, it is an open community, and no one
 ever locks their doors. People trust that you would not violate the
 trust, and even though the door is open, it does not mean people
 wander through other peoples homes, just ``looking out of

        Failure to lock my door does not condone the person who
 perfors an unauthoprized entry.

 Mukund> called as cracker, I wonder why every one is shying away from
 Mukund> this kind of stuff.

        Because we are not thieves/

 Mukund> I have been on this list for 2 years and found that 80% mail
 Mukund> are related to display, sound and mail problem.  And if some
 Mukund> one opens with security a related topic, he is threatened to
 Mukund> be thrown out.

        He did not open a security related topic (BTW, I would be
 interesested in discussing freeswan, IPSEC, CIPE, the SINUS firewall,
 netfilter, mason, or any other security topic -- on the appropriate

 Mukund> Why ?  Is the linux is limited to only display, sound and
 Mukund> mail problem.  I know there are many people on this list who
 Mukund> are managing the important server, Do they know ?

        Enough that we know that you should never let your store be
 guided by a thieves advice alone.

 Mukund> Why these are not discussed on this list because some will
 Mukund> boot his as* from the list?

        Please look at BugTraq, where these kinds of things are
 discussed. I have no objection to disccussing uprades, security
 fixes, etc, where the emphasis is on security, not on

 Mukund> So please do not discourage security related topics to this
 Mukund> list even if they are posted by a hacker.

        He is not a hacker. Seems more like a cracker wanna be
 cracker exploits, so far. and talksing about how one broke into a
 mismanaged server does not really help admins -- at that level of
 isecurity, decent training is required. 

 Mukund> Most of the lister have an account on vsnl /dot server and
 Mukund> any security related discussion can not be out context. I
 Mukund> receive an average 10 kb a spam mail every day, just because
 Mukund> server admin are not in position to maintain their server
 Mukund> properly. I do not want some one peeking in to my mail box as
 Mukund> it has mails from my overseas customer.  If any discussion on
 Mukund> this list is going help vsnl to set the things right, it will
 Mukund> be beneficial to listers only.

        How is a discussion on this list about details on how to crack
 the server helping change things any? 

 Mukund> And Sibayan can not called as cracker if the root account of
 Mukund> cl server is offered on platter to him. If you keep doors and
 Mukund> lockers of your house open, and a burglar strikes, cops will
 Mukund> blame you first. It is every ones duty to keep his house in
 Mukund> order first and then blame others.

        Strange, If that is true, Indian laws need a big overhaul. So
 the basic idea is that people do not have morals, they are all
 thieves, and you better lock down all valuables or else? Wonderful
 society you envisage. 

 Mukund> Having said this, I am not afraid any one booting my as* from
 Mukund> the list, because then list will confined to display, sound
 Mukund> and mail problems, which certainly does not interest me.

        Is this a promise? Are you leaving us? Truly? Thanks a lot,
 then. Have a nice life.

tired of people who are only kept honest because they are too stupid
to bypass locks
 It is undignified for a woman to play servant to a man who is not
 hers. Spock, "Amok Time", stardate 3372.7
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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