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Re: Re: Linux versus GNU/Linux...

>>>>> "Suresh" == Suresh Ramasubramanian <r.suresh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Suresh> [lots of good stuff snipped]
    Suresh> You want to carry on further flame wars / make further
    Suresh> snide (or inane) remarks, do it offlist.  Please.

No!  How do we get our daily dose of fun then?


-- Raju

    Suresh> -- Suresh Ramasubramanian | President, CAUCE India
    Suresh> r.suresh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | suresh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Suresh> http://www.india.cauce.org | Stopping Spam In India -- A
    Suresh> language that doesn't have everything is actually easier
    Suresh> to program in than some that do.  -- Dennis M. Ritchie

    Suresh> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Suresh> LIG is all for free speech.  But it was created for a
    Suresh> purpose - to help people discuss technical programming
    Suresh> related issues about Linux.  If your messages are
    Suresh> counterproductive to this purpose, your privileges to
    Suresh> submit messages can and will be revoked.