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Re: Re: Linux versus GNU/Linux...

On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Syed Khader Vali wrote:

> >>>>> "Atul" == Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>     Atul> Hmmm, is the gentleman aware of the fact that he can call it
>     Atul> GNU-Hyderabad or ILUG-Hyderabad, but not GNU-ILUG-Hyderabad?
> And why would that be ?? Because we have no freedom ??
> Cause Either you have to make it ILUG-Hyderabad or not be a part of ILUG ??
> Ok fine let's put it this way, if you use GNU anywhere in your chapters name, you are not part of ILUG ??
> Or Did I miss something ??

Yes, you did. We went through all this before with your abortive
ILUG-Debian effort. Please refer to that thread in the archives. The gist
of the discussion was:

"ILUG" was coined to represent chapters of "Linux India", and the purpose
was to promote unity and a sense of belonging. LI has not in any way
endorsed a name change (refer back to Raj's note about this a while back)
and in all likelyhood never will (not for anti-GNU reasons, but for
pro-Linux reasons).
