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LINUX-ILUG-Goa: Meeting on Saturday Dec 18

Goa's Linux users' group ILUG(Goa) meets this weekend
Date		:	Dec 18, Saturday
Time		: 	4 pm
Venue		:	CSI (Goa chapter)
			3rd Flr, Naguesh Apts
			Opposite Hotel Navtara, Panjim
			(Panjim Market Area... ask anyone)
We are a small group of Linux fans, and our meeting are held at the office
of the Computer Society of India (Goa unit), to whom we are thankful.
Meetings are held on the last Saturday of every month... preponed to the
third Saturday this month because the last falls on a public holiday,
Christmas. All are welcome. --Frederick Noronha
Frederick Noronha, Freelance Journalist, 784 Saligao 403511 Goa  India 
fred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or fred@xxxxxxxx  Ph (0091).832.271490 / 27 86 83 
Pls visit my photos-from-Goa website at http://www.goa-world.net/fotofolio